Review Online Casinos



 One of the easiest online casino games that you are likely to play, Heads or Tails is also quite enjoyable, and the version found at Bet365 and Totesport casino can be made more of a skill based game by choosing your betting pattern wisely.

 In its' simplest for, Heads or Tails is just a matter of selecting your bet amount, from $0.10 to $100, selecting Head or Tail, and clicking 'Flip 1'. You win 1.9x your bet amount for a correct choice.



 But there are several betting options that make the game more exciting than first appearances. You can choose to flip the coin 2 or 3 times for a higher payout. Two correct flips wins you 3.8x your bet, three correct flips wins you 7.5x your bet.

 You can also bet on two coins at a time, choosing Heads/Heads, Tails/Tails, or Heads/Tails, and again, from 1 flip to 3 flips. This leads to even higher payouts for correct guesses, but is obviously harder to predict.  

 Heads or Tails is a fun diversion from many of the mainstream online casinogames, and can be practiced for free on this page.


 Click the banner below to visit Bet365 Casino

Click the banner below to visit Totesport Casino 

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