Cherry Red offer two types of Free Play Roulette. To access the free games, just click on the image at the bottom of this page, this will take you to the Cherry Red Homepage. Click on 'PLAY INSTANTLY' and you will see a list of games on the left of the screen. Just click on your chosen one and you are away!

 The graphics are a pleasing red shade, which actually makes it easier on the eye if you are playing for an extended period, and its so easy to play Roulette at Cherry Red that you may well find yourself here for a while.

 Each type of Roulette features a useful magnified 'results' section, so you can easily see where the ball has landed, and a 'history' section which shows you previous results.

 The European version allows very useful 'section' betting using the oval next to the main table. Three types of bet are easily made -

Voisins Du Zero - which covers 0/2/3, 4/7, 12/15, 18/21, 19/22, 25/26/28/29, and 32/35, all with one click.

Ophans - which covers 1, 6/9, 14/17, 17/20 and 31/34, with one click.

Tiers Du Cylindre - which covers 1, 5/8, 6/9, 10/11, 13/16, 14/17, 17/20, 23/24, 27/30, 31/34, and 33/36.

 We would always recommend European Roulette over American, due to the single '0', which reduces the house edge.

 Here's a betting system that will help improve your odds of winning European Roulette -


Cherry Red European Roulette 

Place a bet on any two of the '1st 12', '2nd 12' or '3rd 12' sections. You have covered two-thirds of the table, minus the '0'.  If you have a bankroll of $100, do not place more than $1 on each section. Spin the wheel.

 If the ball lands anywhere in your chosen sections, you are $1 up. The sequence re-starts, but now do not place a chip on the section which won, only on the other two.

 Spin again. Carry on like this until the ball lands on the uncovered section, or the '0'.

 At this point, re-bet on the same two sections, doubling your stake, to $2 a section. A win will return you to a balance or +2, and you should re-start the sequence.

 Should you lose again, double the stake again, on the same sections, to $4 a section. Yet another loss, requires you to double one more time to $8 a section. This is the last time you increase your stake, you stay at $8 a section, on the same sections, until you are back at a positive balance. You will find in practice that this will happen fairly quickly, and that you will get enough wins to ensure that you do not stray too far into a negative balance.

 Here are some examples I played at Cherry Red Casino -


2             W           +1  Re-start

2             L            -2

4             W           +2  Re-start

And here's how it dealt with a losing streak -


2              L           -2

4              L           -6

8              L           -16

16            L           -30

16            W          -22

16            W          -16

16            W          -6

16             L          -22

16            W          -14

16            W          -6

16             L          -22

16             W         -14

16             W         -6

16             W         +2   Re-start. 






 To visit Cherry Red, click on the image below -